I made my first decent UI today


I made my first decent UI, and by decent I mean I spent 1+ hours on it

I’ll send a screenshot:

Old Image

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Please tell me what I can change or make better! :slight_smile:


honestly, i have no complaints, it’s really clean, great job on it!


very basic and boring… 2./10

this has no personality at all witch is why it’s so low.

Can you elaborate? I don’t personally see this as “boring”

Pretty good! 8/10!

I would suggest making the border more thin as it feels too big. I also see that the GUI is quite compact. Which isn’t bad but having a cozier style won’t hurt.

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I will stick with this UI style for future UI, but I’ll take this into account to make it larger.

Like this? (I also changed the colour to make it more fitting with the UI style)


That looks much better! I would suggest making it a little more thin at around 1 or 2 pixels. I would also suggest adding more distance between the title and the description, similar to how you did with the ban length and alt accounts section. Also make the description a bit darker and italic, also making the name of the rule slightly smaller and maybe try it with all caps?

I also really love the slight separators you added!

If you don’t understand what I mean up above then here is a label diagram of what sections I talked about.

Orange box: Title
Red box: Description
Purple box: Punishment Section
Green boxes: Separators.


I will get to work with it.

I will bring a follow up in roughly 20 minutes

It will go off the frame, and I’m not bothered to change the whole size of the UI either.

Here ya go

What I changed or added:

  1. A drop shadow
  2. Thinner border
  3. Italic rule description
  4. More spacing between title and rule

Please tell me what I should change or if it is good as is :smiley:

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I like it! I would like it better if that black margin was instead replaced with a dropshadow, like this:

Can you please reconsider rating this with the updated image? :pray:

I did it on purpose, If you want me to make it smaller I can.

Also how did you get the drop shadow to look that good?

With all the updates, looks amazing, good job! I like how simple and understandable it made.


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Thanks, I have been doing UI for about 2 months now but I’m much better at programming

lulz << please end me

No one can continue to plow for long, so make sure to take breaks time at time, xd. Good luck in keeping on. :shamrock:

Looks great! Again, the rule title looks a bit odd but overall pretty good!

Amazing work! I recommend to add clicking effects when in-game.

It’s very nice and eye catching. Looks like those premade templates on canva 7/10!

It’s not a clickable page… but thanks

Never seen them, but eh I don’t mind! :slight_smile: