i made this animation and edit video 2 hours
sry about video problem
let see !
—click this link for cool guys Cool animation for cool guy
its cool ,right?
i made this animation and edit video 2 hours
sry about video problem
let see !
—click this link for cool guys Cool animation for cool guy
its cool ,right?
Something feels off about the characters… they look a little too tall.
I like it a lot but the characters (or the video itself) are stretched making them look too slender
Other then that it’s Amazing
lol sry it not about animation but its about video :// but im lazy to reupload ://
The animation overall is an eh to me, not bad nor good, the effects were really terrible (especially the blue orb and fire effects) and the character were a bit too long. It’s just okay I guess, 6/10, at least you tried your best.
I forgot to say this, but you should use Moon Animator (or maybe you already using it), and the fire effect you should make a Number Sequence for it (because it’s a Particle Emitter) so you can resize the fire in a specific time. You should use the Default fire particle, which maybe add more realism, probably… For the blue orb, please don’t add a PNG file to it, you can just add a blue orb (ForceField), add a special mesh to it, texturing, and boom you got a nice blue orb power thing.
In the beginning I feel like you need the characters arms attached to them bc when I saw it was wasn’t attatch lol
It might look like the characters are tall, but I think it’s because of the FOV(might be wrong).
@AccepGamer I suggest lowering the FOV to somewhere around 40 for animations, anything higher than 70 looks like a video game and everything will look stretched.
Hope this helped.