I made some houses a different colour

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Make the buildings look like actual buildings and try to use examples for it in order to get what you are looking for (Ik many people havent been saying anything about it) secondly I would recomend adding varriation and for the border make it slate bricks instead of grass

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The variations in color makes it look loads better than in your last post. Keep it up!

Maybe the next step is to create a second or third style of house and sprinkle them in for even more variety.

I also want to mention don’t give up! Looking at your posts, your town has gotten many times better each time you post. You’re on your way to becoming a really fantastic builder one day in the future

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Starting to look very good! :+1:

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Add variations of homes, like small homes and bigger homes.

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Add something for roofs other than planks.
Getting better however.

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The textures are still all the same, trying playing with different textures.

I have an opinion… so the roof of the houses look connected to the body of the house some texture or material may be added to look better
Hope it helps :smiley: