Hi guys so I was planning on making this for someone but they didn’t want it so I just wanna show you guys it, and I also need some feedback.
Alright so I made some big changes and also made the build Lowpoly
Hi guys so I was planning on making this for someone but they didn’t want it so I just wanna show you guys it, and I also need some feedback.
Looks pretty good. Only thing I don’t like is the door with the hinges both on the right and the left. I recommend you remove the hinges on the right side of the door.
I can see that you have great potential, but you aren’t quite there yet. The building looks rather bland, there aren’t many big details, and the colors you chose don’t very good together. I love the effect you used for the windows, though! Next time I would make it look more modern, maybe use texture images for the bricks and such. For more information on that, read this: Textures and Decals | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
the building is very modern and then you have this wood door, maybe go for a metal or glass door like you would see on real life apartments
Oh alright I might do something .
I really don’t like using textures for bricks because its a bit lazy and I want to make it my self, also besides textures what else should I add and can you link me some refrences?
Well, if textures isn’t really your style then maybe consider creating a wall brick by brick, it is a bit more time consuming but it sure is worth it. I saw a post earlier of a street scene using that technique, let me get a picture.
Brick by brick What do you mean by that?
I mean stacking all of the bricks on top of each other, like in the example I provided.
Those bricks were are created by hand and stacked.
That gonna take a long time…
Sure it will, but it would make it look really modern! There are also other alternatives that don’t look too basic.
Yes please tell some Alternatives and give me some ideas / refrences of a good looking door.
For the door, I recommend doing something with a glass material. Let me hop on studio and make something really quickly.
The entire apartment can have a more modern vibe. You can make the whole thing glass, except for dividing the rooms with a frame for the build. If you want, you can do a more low-poly style, and make it all smooth plastic and warm colors. There are countless options, those are a few.
Mhm I might change it to Low poly and see how it looks.
Alright! Keep me posted, I’d be glad to see the new looks!
This is very nice! I especially love the colors you’ve used, keep up the great work! I wish you luck.