I made this ascii art printer for fun

Just a simpe printer thing i made that lets u print some images, nothing too crazy
what do you think?


Cool! Is this hard coded or do you use some algorithm to make these?


Woah that’s really cool. Good job. ;3

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print the bat signal please :bat::smiling_imp:


sadly this program itself does not convert imges to ascii, i dont think that would be possible.
But i can add basically any image i want! (im going to follow TOS ofc)

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Looks very nice,.
I like it.,.

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if anyone wants to know, i just published it for fun
the game:

i havnt tested it in roblox yet so idk what its gonna be like


Your game is private…
I can’t join :stuck_out_tongue:


That looks really cool! You did really good on this!

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its actually pretty simple, but thanks!
im planning on adding “games” to this!

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Well that’s dissapointing. :unamused:

i started coding like a month or few weeks ago, idk what im doing
I mean tbh i just kinda used common sense and my little knowladge to do this

Ohh, I see so you’re new to this? Well then I’m sorry. Then this looks great! Though, one thing you could do to make it more flexible is to use editable images and some maths.

rn what im doing is i have tables, and when you type “/loadimg XImage” it does a i, v loop through all the contents of the table then dupes a label and moves that label to the GUI

Yeah, I got that part. But you could use my idea to do something like how I did:

how did you do that in studio?

I’ll make a tutorial later… I already have many tutorials to make on my mind.

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This ascii art printer looks great! Nice job on it!

Nice work on the ASCII printer! You can try to fetch raw image data from a .bmp file using the HTTP service and then run it through an algorithm to convert it into ASCII art to add some cool functionality. The same also works with editable images as they support reading raw pixel data.