I made this Discord-to-Roblox kick script!

I made my own custom webserver with NodeJS and hooked it up to Roblox.

How It Works:

The Roblox ServerScript makes a GET request to the NodeJS webserver ever X seconds, I have it set to around 1 second I believe. The NodeJS webserver then returns an Object containing all the information for that gameserver (webserver contains an array of Objects, each Object has that gameserver’s JobId attached to it). I’ve added the functionality to add more commands easily, just simple if statements. You can technically attach a database to the webserver as well, I plan on doing that.

I might release this to the public once I have it more stable, but it works.

Edit: Feel free to ask me any questions you may have!


Wow, nice Job, I really love how it works! I just wanted to say that it may work with 1 server, but if you have many servers (many players) then discord will ban your account because you can‘t send to many informations to quick. You also would to pay attention that the webserver won‘t be overused. Else, I really love this, do you used Google API for your webserver?

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WOW! Amazing work, only concern is Roblox moderation might not be too fond of an outside source controlling it, I’m not sure.

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Wow, nice Job, I really love how it works! I just wanted to say that it may work with 1 server, but if you have many servers (many players) then discord will ban your account because you can‘t send to many informations to quick. You also would to pay attention that the webserver won‘t be overused. Else, I really love this, do you used Google API for your webserver?

@Eternalove_fan32 I actually set it up to work with multiple (roblox) servers! I used Repl.it for testing and development but I do have a server I can put it on when I release the game.

WOW! Amazing work, only concern is Roblox moderation might not be too fond of an outside source controlling it, I’m not sure.

@GreekRootWord I never actually thought about that, I think I have seen other games like mine that have similar functions so I don’t THINK it’s against anything, but I’ll have to check. Probably if it’s authenticated and can’t be controlled by unauthorized users, it should be fine.

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This is a cool script, but I don’t really see the point. You would have to first set your discord server, to verify your roblox account so your nickname is your roblox user. And I don’t see why you would have kick them from game and discord. But still with the explanation I am confused and this is a pretty cool creation!

I mainly made it so if there is someone in the game and no staff are on the game to deal with it, they can easily just use the kick command from Discord and have no issues. It wouldn’t kick them from the Discord, I won’t have it set up that way (might have ban appeals on the server)


Yes, AdpotMe. A Youtuber that was live-scamming was banned, live, but there wasn‘t any staff in the game. So, if adopt me can make this, I don‘t see why you can‘t.

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Oh good. If my game gets taken down because of it then Roblox would have some explaining to do lol

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Is there a invite for this bot? This would be VERY helpful.

Sadly no, as I said I might open-source / release it later on though, so keep an eye out!

From what I’ve heard you can detect when a data store key gets updated, couldn’t they have used that?

No, it‘s not this, I am sure. The server sends a signal with the POST function and he just receive it with the GET function. It‘s HTTPS, he can‘t update the datastore outside of Roblox

@LucasTutoriaisSaimo Yeah @Eternalove_fan32 is right, this system is just to manage your game externally, so DataStore can’t be used. Plus, I believe DataStore has a limit to a point, so if you need to store large amounts of data, this is the way.




keep up the good work, you are amazing!

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Haha thanks, I’m better at web technologies / development so this was easy to do, other things in the Roblox API are difficult.

If they do I didn’t know, but, if you’re talking about key data limit, like how much you store in a single key, you shoudn’t really do a single table with everyone that is banned, and hm, i would do it basically making the key as


everytime a player joins the game, I would set that to false, unless they’re banned.
And then when I want to ban them I could just set that to true and BYEBYE!

Would it be possible for someone on a different discord to access it and kick someone from a game they dont own/arent an admin in?

example) person 1 creates game and discord with this script, person 2 creates another discord and uses the script to kick people from person 1s game

The user isn’t breaking any of the ROBLOX Terms Of Services. Nothing is wrong with this at all.


If you’re asking if other users can add the bot, they can’t.

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this dude is underated scripter ;C , and sadly till this day is not open-sourced yet ;-; , I was thinking that I can add a script to add Ban too, just Like in this video

when does it gonna be Open Public? :c
also I know this topic is dead, but WOW your talented!