So, I was testing my game in Studio when I came across a script that I’m positive wasn’t there before. I have changed the script’s name to “backdoor script” as the previous name was inappropriate.
I’ve opened the script and it just says this. I’m new to scripting so I’m unsure of what this means.
I have tried deleting the script while in testing, but it just reappears everytime I rejoin. I only have one free model in my game currently, and I’m positive it’s not the cause, as the script was not there before and the model has been there since I created the place 2 months ago. Additionally, I was searching for a palm tree model to place hold while I work on building my game, but I deleted all palm tree models after I saw the script.
Does anyone know how to permantly get rid of this pesky script, or possibly what it means?
Send a screen capture of your plugins.
If the script is duplicating into your game everytime that you join your studio game, surely the “virus” its in there
Cracking up the script in Studio - it is definitely a virus
(taking a look - it prompts a purchase for everyone other than the owner every 30 seconds)
From my knowledge the best thing to do is what @cooledath49 and @Dev_Peashie said - disable your plugins one by one until you find the one thats dupeing everything
Why not make a list of all your plugins and paste it here to check it?
Addionally delete all the plugins, uninstall studio, and reinstall?
Edit: @Shadenette
Delete all plugins, and after studio reinstall, install again the plugins you really use, after checking its procedence, being sure those are trustable
(Thats when I always says, another reason why I hate plugins and I wont use them never :v)
Use control shift F to find the “requiere” word, and delete manually all those scripts that arent yours. The idea on deleting the plugins is to cancel the cloning scripts into your game. The current existing scripts will not get deleted by themeselves
This can be run in the command bar to shorten the deleting process:
local nameOfMaliciousScript = ""
for i, v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Script") and v.Name == nameOfMaliciousScript then
You mean that you manually deleted all those scripts, and runned the script to find any script with that name, and you deleted already ALL weird scripts.
You saved the game, closed studio, open it again, and the scripts are there again?!
local nameOfMaliciousScript = "backdoor script"
for i, v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Script") and v.Name == nameOfMaliciousScript then
--Make sure you changed it to
--local nameOfMaliciousScript ="Type name of script here, or in your case it could be 'backdoor script', shown above."
Or at least I think that’s how it works.
Did you do that though?
Emm, its the same script that @CreationNation1 already provided.
The problem, looks like that @Shadenette still having the scripts, after deleted them.
Deleted all plugins, cleared all free models in workspace and reinstalling studio
EDIT: @alaaeiou Well… That would be a weird mistake to do xD not placing the name.
Anyway, already tried the control find require too, and deleted all those modules calls, I think. So its weird
I’m not even sure why people are even doing backdoors anymore that give people at ‘Skid SS’ access to your game. If I had to make a virus, I would just program it to delete everything
But to answer your question, try removing every plugin from your Studio and computer, removing the scripts, and reinstalling the plugins that you use on a normal basis.