I nead help to detect model

Hello guys!!

I am making a gun system and I got my first problem.

So the problem is that I want when the player clicks on a part that is in a model to print the model name instead of the part name!!

Here the code:

local eq = false
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
	eq = true
		eq = false


	if eq == true then
		local Target1 = mouse.Target
		if Target1.ClassName == 'Part' then

Thank you in advance!!


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Pretty sure it’s because you’re using

if Target1.ClassName == 'Part' then

try changing it to

if Target1.ClassName == 'Model' then

because with the original code you’re pretty much looking for a part, not a model, then change the
print to print(Target1)

hope this helps

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i don’t think this will work because if i only do print(Target1) this will print a part and not a model

it should print the model because Target1 is defined as a model, but in your script it’s defined as a Part. Give it a try and let me know

I tried it does not work because the target of the mouse is a part

If you are trying to find the model that the part is inside of, just do:


I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Yeah but for example if it’s an accesory the parent of the part is the accesory like We have the accesory handle and afther the Accesory

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Then, you need to find the first model up, so you do this:

if Target1.Parent.ClassName == 'Model' then
 --Code Here
elseif Target1.Parent.Parent.ClassName == 'Model' then
 --Code Here
 print('No Model')

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

This might Actually work but i can’t test right now Because i am on mobile (if it work tommorow am gonna put this as the solution)

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That’s fine, if you need any more help, just tell me.

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A big thank you because it worked so thank you!!

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Happy to help if you need anymore help. :slight_smile: