I need a DEV TEAM

About Us

Hi there! We are Official Fishy Studios, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for builders,Scripter,Environment Design who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game.

The Team
@NO ONE AS YET - Environment Design
@NO ONE AS YET - Scripter

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder to join our team as our lead content artist. We expect high quality builds that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.


name Yall price

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: x.com
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:


i dont have robux at the time to
pay yall guys
(can i pay you guys when we start to make robuxs
IF NOT thanks for passing by)
cuz am a little new to DEVFORUMS


100$ or Robux?
What’s your prefered payment method? I presume 3000 is wrong.

Also, define what you mean by asset?

For a Builder, are you paying 100 (something) for each asset, no matter how small or detailed it is?
Same with UI? Will you pay 100 (something) for a small componenet of the ui and the same for a bigger component?
And last but not least, the scripter. Are you paying per script? Or per function, etc?

Your post needs much more detail.

And you may want to make the title more informative.

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Can you tell more about the theme?

He means that he is paying 100 robux for 30 assets.

Small correction, I believe you mean 3000 robux for 30 assets? 100 per asset

I’m interested, but you have to figure out your payment. I also would like to know the games style.


well thats the i want to make a game thats new never been made on roblox before

I can’t understand anything in this response. What is your game style? Low poly or realistic? What are you offering to pay?

hmmm let me think

low poly buildings
and tools

style: like a mining game

What are you paying for all this?

i dont know u make me a price

If you don’t have robux to pay people, why are you posting at all? This reeks of a scam. Please reconsider what you’re doing.


I don’t know what you want… as Sloppy said, this reeks of a scam. If not, then you certainly have to get your stuff together before looking to hire people.


Being more mature won’t hurt you, as developing here is kinda serious. You also say you are searching for builder, but never wrote such role. Again, if you want your group ‘good’, gather at least robux for ads etc., if your game would be success, maybe some profits?


Please, nobody ever try this. Programmers should be paid based on features or functionality they implement or maintain.

Using scripts, functions, or any other programming device or construct, to measure a programmer’s work is a great way to scam yourself and end up with a terrible game.


I agree, I was just trying to get to the bottom of what he meeant.

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no one on this forum works for free
no one on this forum works for scraps
no one on this forums works for “name Yall price”
you also seem to have no idea what your game is or wants to be other then “like a mining game”

judging by your responses you’re not taking this very seriously at all
devforums isn’t a replacement for the old roblox forums
it’s for serious discussion of development; and making money

instead of copy pasting other collab posts and changing a few words, write your own
preferably in a coherent manner too
if you want a team to help you make a game you need to solidify an idea and be able to communicate what you want in your posts
and having real money to pay people is never a bad idea as well


Or, alternatively, explaining your idea (or at least genre) and offering a percentage-based profit sharing and ownership agreement.

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that usually reduces your chance of getting any team members because no game is guaranteed to even make profit i haven’t seen any really new games on the front page in the last months except for some that stayed only for like a few weeks and then they’re done

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I’m not sure that I would agree with you. Almost all of the successful games are created by development teams who work as partners.

Many top developers don’t even entertain the idea of taking commissions. The way I usually see it is more along the lines of: why would I want to program a game in return for only a fraction of what the owner offering a commission will make using the product of my work? Personally, unless I’m looking to generate a small amount of money quickly, I’d much rather work on projects that I have reason to believe will be successful, under the circumstance that I’ll share in the real success through profit-sharing and part ownership of the project. I’m sure that many developers feel the same way.

On another note, many games don’t reach the front page, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t still generate considerable revenue. Especially as compared to average commission rates.