So, I been trying to make a script for a hiding spot inside a closet, I tried with Code Assist because I’m not best at scripting those, so I need some help.
This is what I got all I need is some scripts, one script makes the hiding animation of the camera with outside Cam and inside Cam and the other scripts make the sound effects work.
So firstly, your camera script is a server-script so this would affect everyone’s camera. And I assume you want to only affect the player’s camera who opened the closet right? So make a local script parented to startercharacterscripts and here’s some code. We will also need some remote events, so make a remote event and parent it to replicatedstorage.
-- Make this a server script (basically the same type of script you made the "Handler" script) and parent it to serverscriptservice
local ProximityPrompt = workspace.Lockers.Doors.promptpart
local RE = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent -- Create a remote event in replicatedstorage for this to work please
workspace.Locker1.Locker2.Handle2.Position = -- I just guessed which parts in the locker you want to close but you know which one you do want to. Then just set do =,y,z) You need to put numbers in the brackets but I'm just showing you what those values represent. I hope you know what these coordinates mean from minecraft or something.
-- Local script (parent this to startercharacterscripts which is in starterplayer)
local RE = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent") -- Parent a remote event object in replicated storage for this to work
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera -- gets the local player's camera
camera.CFrame = -- this will change the position of the camera, you can change the position because I don't know where you want to put it at and where in game. To change it you just do camera.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame for example (so you're inside or outside camera part things you made), or you can do,2,0) for example. Don't actually do that these are just examples.
I couldn’t give you everything but hey it’s better than nothing am i right? Atleast you’re now changing the player’s camera and you’re able to change the player’s locker door position part thing.
thanks! this could be the base of my script, i could add more things, also, i wanted to see how could i make the humanoid enter inside, (the doors open and close)
No problem, you do know how cframes/vector3s work right? It would be alot easier if you did, if you also wanted to add a transition to the doors closing you’d need to use lerp or TweenService I’ll link you the documentation if you need it to learn about these.
I kind of know how they work, I had many problems opening a door for an entrance, as an output, it moved really far away and hard to control, I also made a post for that problem I had, I can send the link if you want to see what I mean.
I would love to help but I am kinda busy, hopefully someone comes to your topic later to help. Sorry, try looking up on the documentation/devforum about tweenservice/lerping and cframes/vector3s.