I need a solution for this Humanoid Bug

To simply put it, when you create a StarterHumanoid and AutomaticScalingEnabled is set to false it will kill the Character upon spawning; this was tested in a Baseplate with only Roblox Default Scripts

As describe in the Bug Report; I need a solution to fix this while waiting for Roblox to fix it.

Repro.rbxl (18.4 KB)

if you do StarterPlayer.LoadCharacterAppearenace = false then the Character won’t die but it will slide off the Baseplate instead

I don’t want the Humanoid to have AutomaticScallingEnabled

I can’t risk my game having this awful bug

Hello I just checked everything out and it turns out inside StartPlayer the StarterHumanoid has AutomaticScalingEnabled disabled. I tried the game with it enabled and everything worked perfectly fine let me know if this was the answer you were looking for. :slight_smile:

I know that it’s Disabled, I want it to be Disabled; that’s the point of having it on.

Hm, the character doesnt seem to work without it on in my case.

You may just need to loop through every character that joins and delete any accessory and shirt/pants if you’re going for a basic dummy character.

That’s completely irrelevant to my issue; the character is either dying or sliding off the baseplate.

I’m not having issues with character appearance

Can you set the anchored to true on the Humanoid Root Part then unanchor it?

Dear Rui,

I would say using very simple scripts and the corresponding settings, You can fix this bug and can you give a clear explanation of what your trying to achieve. I mean don’t state your bug only and can you also state your scenario in a more detailed way.Thank you

Yours Sincerely


It’s already explained in the Bug Report

I’ll copy everything from there to here.

My case is simply: I don’t want the Humanoid to have AutomaticScallingEnabled

it doesn’t matter where you set AutomaticScallingEnabled = false, this will happen regardless

Why don’t you want AutomaticScalingEnabled enabled, just out of curiosity because without some kind of script the Character wouldn’t work correctly.


I don’t want the Character to change size; sometimes it’s buggy.

Disabling this Property has nothing to do with Scripts, did you check the Repro file and Bug Report?, it literally has no Scripts

So, you can also force the character to be a certain size inside of game settings in studio.

And also this topic is inside of Scripting Support so isn’t this supposed to be involved with scripting?

that works but it can still be override by a Script iirc, I don’t want the Humanoid to change size at all.

I was expecting Scripters and using a Script to fix it.

let me know if you can find a better sub-category to put this in