I Need An Api To Get Front Page Games

so i need an api help

  1. What do you want to achieve? Get The Front Page Games and also their active player amount, like ratio, visits

  2. What is the issue? i never used a single 3rd party api in my life

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? i looked solutions in devform and i tried doing it myself

Here is the script that i made myself.

local http = game:GetService('HttpService')

	local async = http:GetAsync("http://www.games.roblox/v2/users/".. tostring(plr.UserId).. "/favorite/games")

and here is the error


I learned how to use 3rd party api but i still dont know how to get front page games


To access HTTPService I believe, you have turn on HTTP requests

to do that press home then game settings then security and then turn it on

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Its Already On, i also ran the command “game:GetService(“HttpsService”).HttpEnabled = true” on console

Roblox doesn’t allow making requests to itself

you will need to use a proxy to achieve what you want

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ok but what proxy i have to use?, i used rprxy.xyz, Swagger UI and none of them worked

Guys, Thanks for your help, rn i know how to use 3rd party api but i still dont know how to get most popular games. the only thing i can get is the most popular game and it always prints brookhaven

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