I need an idea which will help make me lighting visual effect

So, I’m making a game like Plates of fate.
It’s time to make super events, which will change game drastically, and one of them will toggle metal parts electricity, so they can get charged and then zap other objects with damage!
But I have small problem - I want to make effect like this:
And this’s the best what I have got so far:
And ontop of that, I want to make it so electricity can show itself on the part like this:
So, it goes circularry around a part.
Doing this effect on blocks isn’t hard, with some math possible. But what about this all shapes?

There are many ways of doing this but I’ll warn you, they aren’t as easy as a walk in the park.

You can try utilizing EditableImages or EditableMeshes or Meshes with Bones to simulate the lightning effect. Beams can also be used. Maybe just try making various points on the mesh and using the beams Curve system to wrap them around properly?

Forgot to say - wanted, know how to make it, but ID VERIFICATION is only thing stopping me from this.
Bones may give effect, I’ll try it.
Beams curves can’t fullfill needs of this meshes sadly. I not showed all of them, there’s like 50 more.

But with having multiple beams it can. Just add more attachments to some calculated or manually made points and it should work.

Example with beams.

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is there any reason a particle emitter isnt an option?

If not… Use a particle emmitter.

You can change its color, shape, size and it can be put on any type of part/mesh!

Problem I faced is wanting to make it show across object’s surface.

Sadly, the only way to do it is either raycasting, or mesh format workings, none of which are ideal, so IG I’ll need to cancel this effect.

Looks good until the moment when you want to tilt it.

What do you mean by this? Particle effects can show on top of objects…

From one side of object transitioning into another one. Like UI shimmer, from one corner to another one. But if UI can have masks and other hacks, parts lack that possiblities.

Not really until you know what you’re doing.

The effect you’re trying to achieve is already pretty complicated so expect hardships.

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what if you made it so that it always faced the players camera?

also I don’t think I’m 100% understanding what you are trying to do here… To make it go from one part to another, use beams. i think you will need a combination of many different things like your UI shimmer + beams+ particle effects.

In short: I want to make lighting effect like in Bejeweled Twist. Moment where it spread to other parts is done, but effect where part itself has a ring of lighting is not.

like this?