I need criticism and game testers

(this is my first devforum post)

Hey guys,

I’m looking for some feedback on my game! I won’t go into too much detail here, because I want criticism and feedback, including what parts are confusing or not shown well.

Here’s the copy/pasted desc of the game:

Rush through a variety of Classic ROBLOX maps that are on fire! Survive the blaze, fight the flames yourself, and dodge meteors, but remember this: The last player alive wins. Do whatever you have to. Remember, nothing is safe from the flames, not even the ground!

Game link:

I can take critique, but please make it constructive. Thanks!

edit: grammar and spelling corrections


I am going to be 100% honest, your game got so many problems. At best “Inferno” is a boring game with potential.

I got three main problems:

  • Requiring at least two players to play
    Does “Inferno” really need two players to play? Due to not anyone at the moment to play, I had to used an alt account on another device. I wanted to be fair and see what a round plays like.
    When playing some rounds I notice that game did not justify need to two players to play.
    You could just have players survive a round for 3 to 5 mins. Maybe add a bonus if only one player survived the round.

  • Add a timer
    If you want to keep having two players needed to play, thats fine.*
    What is not fine is having some kind of timer. Rounds could literally go on forever.
    I saw no timer or clock ui, at first I thought: “maybe there a timer in the game script.”
    While playing a round for around five minutes, I wonder how long will the round last.
    In the background I started a stopwatch and I waited about six minutes.

    When I came back to my computer, the round was still going on!

    Is it necessary to have round last around 11 minutes?
    Me and my alt wasn’t even moving! The round only ended because I reset my alt!

  • Make the fire dangerous
    Fire in this game is a joke. The actual challenge of the game is fighting the urge to jump off the map or finding something that can kill you ingame so the round can end. Fire or any burned part does not hurt your character. If there were any, I must be really lucky. The closest thing is my alt finding a tool(custom board) that damaged him. But, unequipped the tool stopped the damage.
    You could just be idle and nothing can hurt you if nobody got a sword. Add something that makes the players move around.
    Maybe make the floor turn into lava(after 3 mins or so), so the players have stand on any remaining unburned parts. Or something like that, doing that would make the game more challenging.

Those all my main issues with this game. I found some bugs and glitches like I could damage a player by just buy equipping a sword. I didn’t have to activated the sword to do damage. Another “bug” is me not being able to enter a room, even when I had at least 1 win. I rejoined the game and the wall was gone. Did I really to rejoin to go into that room? I could’ve touch the wall and if I had enough I could enter it.

I am trying to be as nice as possible while being honest. “Inferno” with a timer, fire that does damage, and being able to play solo would make this game much better. I would love to see this game improve.
A game where you survive a fire on classic Roblox maps is a cool idea.

Right now I give this game a rating of 4/10.


Sorry about the poor formatting and capitalization. Hope it’s still readable!

TLDR: we have systems for all this, but i guess they don’t work so well. thanks for your help, please pop in next week or so to review the fixed edition.

thank you for being real, honest, and detailed!
i will make sure to do all this stuff.
i knew about the painfully long rounds and the weak fire.
the game was meant to have you fall into void and die because the fire destroyed the ground.
i can make fire damage more occuring and do other cool stuff too.
im aware of the sword doing damage, it’s intentional, but it is a bit silly and will be removed.
btw a ‘demo match’ can be played in a server alone.
the fire does do damage sometimes, but not nearly enough.
i have added ‘soft barriers’ that slowly destroy the field as you play to eventually clear the field, and i will make that stronger as well as add more harmful fire mechanics.
‘custom board’ is not supposed to be there and will be removed.
lava may be added, cool idea!
the wins door should be ez enough to fix, will get that done.

will get fixin’!


few questions:
was anything confusing?
did you explore the lobby and find any secrets?
were you able to find the ladder to the second floor at all?
how many rounds did you play?
what moment was the most fun and why?


This game is alright. Good job on it!


so i cranked up the soft barriers and added a cool damage thing.

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can I get some more detail please? Thanks.

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i tweaked a ton of hidden parameters to make the fire a lot stronger

okay the game is about set with all the things requested, but i think the fire is now too lethal. can you check it out @vinny10810?

so i hopped on with my friend after the changes and we tried our hardest to make the round last. we managed almost 8 minutes. it took a lot of moving around and effort, not just sitting still. (i may be biased) we also failed to survive very long by going afk.

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I ran some tests after the update with the test tab, and rounds where nobody moves have dropped to a length of ~20 seconds.

added ‘sudden death’ mode. it will trigger after 3-4 min. it summons all the hardest challenges, plus rising lava if they survive all of them.

Hey if you are interested you can do qa central

Due to personal reasons, I can’t visit qa central, could you post on my behalf?

What day are you interested in? I’ll assume Saturday next week

Saturday noon-ish is best. Anything I should fix before they arrive?

Nope. I set it up at 12:00PM CST on Saturday

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