I need feedback and ideas on what to fill the rest of the map with

I’m just looking for a little bit of feedback on the current map, and ideas on what to fill the rest of the map with. (simulator game)


This Looks So Good!
You should add some more tree can never have enough we need oxygen
Add some more areas for high levels make your GUIS bigger

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The buildings on the left look too copy-and-paste-ish. Maybe change the colors or the height of them to make them more unique and visually appealing. I don’t know what you should add, because I don;t know what your game is about. I like the style though.

Maybe a forest with a little campsite in the middle

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Maybe you can fill the rest of the map with some water, trees, grass. Don’t add to much parts because sometimes the game might lag for mobile users.

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Right know, I feel like you should at least try not to make one map area very large liking depending on what type of simulator game this is going to be.

Try adding some variety of buildings perhaps portals where players get teleported to different maps around the game simple items would be to add some shrubs in some corners, mushrooms, fountain, windmills, crates, ect. I don’t know what kind of map you’re trying to create but if it’s a normal simulator map do place more on the map.

Always search for ideas or go to different types of maps to gather inspiration from so you could fill your map with a handful of details, I would suggest maybe adding some different mountain types and other buildings the current ones are quite repetitive making the scene look dull.

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