I need feedback for my game ad

Hello, I recently ran an ad for a game that I made but it doesn’t seem to be getting that much clicks compared to the impressions, can you guys tell me what could I improve?


well how much did you bid cuz the higher you bid the more ads roblox will show and more clicks

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I spent 350 robux on this ad, I plan on spending more in further runs.

I’d click it. It looks really good. Nice job!

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then roblox isnt showing it to people as much as other bidders
roblox works in a bid system where the person who spends the most robux will get more ad space that is why it doesent work

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I mean, I personally think it’s an amusing ad. But to the broader Roblox demographic, I don’t know if it sits well with kids that they are being offered to trade their Robux for beans.

It’s basically a reverse clickbait ad where instead of being offered a Dominus, the user is being offered something obscure, perhaps even undesirable.

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I’d click lol also the game sounds interesting

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Your Ad Is Unique And .Would Most Likely Check The Game Out!

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