Hello Developers! I have recently built a Barber Shop and i need feedback on it. Thanks for any feedback.
It would be really good if you tell me what can i improve!
Thanks, also i will add that thing to the shop soon.
As a member of a barbershop quartet, this feels like a nice stepping stone from the old fashioned shops to the modern convenience. Nicely done.
Thanks, i really like modern style.
perfectly square buildings don’t really exist in real life; could use some dirt on the walls and a dumpster with hair sticking out of it in the back
dumpster with hair- uh no thank you
and, perfectly square buildings do exist
What else would a dumpster behind a barbers shop have in it other than hair; it adds flavor and makes the building looked lived/worked in. Square buildings do exist, but oversaturation of “perfect” buildings with everything aligned,symmetrical, and clean makes a city(real or virtual) look sterile and boring.
I love this build so far! Honestly, I would recommend adding what @ScytheSlayin said and maybe making the little neon text contrast less with the back wall by making some sort of backing color. However other than that this does look nice! Good luck on this build!
I can’t say I agree with a dumpster of hair in the back… unless it’s being used for comedic effect(people with bacon hair walk in, walk out with normal hair) and the bacon hair then is thrown out. This can work but I’m not sure that’s what the OP is going for. This is based off a lego set I built a long time ago where it was a barbershop and the hairs taken off the mini figures were put in a dumpster.
Summary: would only really work if it was whole hair pieces, and only for comedic effect.
I would make the sign bigger because the front looks kinda bland, as well as add one of those swirly barber shop polls and maybe some plants at the fornt and back as well, otherwise its great!
Honestly, the inside looks great.
The outside…
The outside looks plain. For this build to stand out, utilize more materials on the outside, use different colors. Not just stone, but perhaps on this, a white would look good. Add more windows. Make the building look appealing, such as…
Hope this helps.
Thanks, i will definitely try things you wrote!
Maybe add some posters and the prices inside or outside and a sticking out sign saying barber shop or something.