Feedback on Background Car Movement System

I wanted to get some feedback and advice for this simple “AI” car system, I made (no AI here lol), the script takes a random car from a folder and makes it move from A to B (2 different lanes, I tried adding some randomness to the speed of the cars but they end up clipping with just a little bit so it’s very minimal, tried fixing that by making cars speed up when others get close to it, though since I’m using tweenservice there isn’t any way to do it (that I know of)

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If the cars aren’t already, make them one solid mesh. Outside of that, it looks perfectly fine to me.

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They are :slight_smile:

roblox stop limiting charrrsssszzzz


If you’re using tweenservice, how do you plan to make them turn? To me, tweened cars around corners always seem unnatural.

I was commissioned for such a system a few years ago as well. I ended up using constraints so Roblox physics calculates a smooth and natural motion.

For more info into this route:

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This is not even close to an AI glad you realised that but still didn’t bother changing it. Better word for this would be: Background Car Movement System. Also this is a bit too basic. You simply pick a car, move it and thats all. Try adding turning to it using lerp or just tweenservice.

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You could do a manual interpolation and add some noise to the interp factor if you’d like to vary their speeds

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I didn’t really need them to turn since (atleast in this game), this is the only time you will be seeing them

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They’d still collide if a slower one is in front of a faster car.

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This background car movement system looks very good! Nice job on it!


i meant add noise with time as its input to the interp factor upon every single update. if you scale the range of the noise based on the distance between cars then they should never collide