Alright, so I recently started a new project, an FPS game, and that means I have been building. I recently completed what I feel is my best build that I have created so far, a military outpost. Please ignore the quality of the rest of the map in the background, I use a script to make it into terrain so it looks much better than it does in the screenshots.
…yeah, maybe best to fill the corners with CornerWedgeParts
bunk beds- wait what? triple bunk beds?? nice logic ig?? the bunk beds are kinda small for people to sleep in but whatever, plus how are people able to climb to the middle/top beds on the “triple bunk beds”? i would say that some of the furniture inside the outpost look a little too bland, maybe you can re-detail them
I did not know those existed, thank you for telling me about them. My corners are much smoother now.
Does this look better? I added 2 more lights and I added chairs. Also I reduced the insane amount of canteens to equal the amount of beds instead of the amount of pistols.