I need feedback on my new game

I’ve been working on this game for about 5 months and around a month ago I released the game. Since then I’ve added a lot of stuff to the game, fixed a lot of issues as well. I was averaging around 60 visits daily, now it dropped to like 20. Today I put 1000 robux into sponsors just to test the CTR before I do a 10K sponsor, after seeing the results of the 1000 robux bid, I’m not so sure about sponsoring the game at all anymore. I got almost no players, they just join and leave. So yeah the main issue is that the game has no players.

So the game is called Obby Simulator, it’s a game where you have quite a few things to do, I wanted to have something for everyone. Your main objective is to get richer and stronger, you get cash by doing the obby, with cash you can upgrade your cash gain, speed, jump, damage, health… You also have tokens which you get by rebirthing at a certain stage with certain amount of cash needed, you can also get them in a PvP minigame where you need to collect 7 differently colored balls, each floor has one ball (floors are randomly generated, when all 7 balls are collected the floors reset), people can steal them from you by killing you using abilities. The more players are in the minigame the higher the reward. With tokens you can upgrade your permanent cash gain, token gain, buy and upgrade abilities. Upgrading abilities lowers their cooldown, increases their damage, gives u special perks at certain levels… If you’re not into that I also made speedrun mode so you can speedrun stages you’ve unlocked and a race where you can race people for cash and rarely get tokens too. That’s the “short” description of the game. I’ll also provide some video clips showcasing some of the game features:

I want really honest feedback, tell me everything you think is wrong with the game and how I could improve it. I’m really new to this so if I posted on the wrong topic I’m sorry.

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Nothing is wrong with your game, it’s just that sponsoring doesn’t work sometimes. With ads, you can have more creativity.

Another reason why I think your game is not doing well is because it has a very generic name. Even though your game is different, the name combines two very common genres of games on Roblox. I can’t think of any good names right now but “Obby Simulator” is not the greatest name.

I do have to say, the UI and the design looks very well-done, I just think the biggest problem is the name.


Thanks for the feedback, will try to think of a better name.

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It’s not bad! My favorite part is the noob talking and its mouth actually moves and when it’s done typing, it stops. It’s adorable. It looks pretty simple and basic except for when you get in the inside of the obby.



WOW. You thought of everything, the only feedback I have is that you should find a better name, Obby Simulator is kind of generic.

Also, I’m not an expert on advertisements but I’m 90% sure that using ads and not sponsoring works better. tho you will have to check that.


Hope this helps.

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The game definitely seems packed, and a unique idea for sure from other simulator games, as you are combining something everyone knows with another very popular idea (surprised it hadn’t been done sooner).

There’s no real issues on the game side of things, but as others have already stated, you need something catchier for the name, as the name right now is quite generic and doesn’t truly hold up to the game itself. Something like “Obby Legends” (based off of Legends of Speed or Muscle Legends) could work.

Also, it depends on how the advertising looked, so if possible, could you provide the advertising used, as that can also change why people where not clicking it in the first place!

Good job on the game though, really like it :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I used sponsor so they saw the game’s icon.

Oh yeah, I see now! I honestly do not have enough experience with advertising with sponsors to tell you if they are effective, but the game icon does stand out, but the text for Obby Simulator does blend a bit with the lightning bolt, making it a little hard to differentiate between the name and the design, but thats all tbh.

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