I need feedback on this thumbnail for my Old Roblox simulator!


I would like some feedback on my thumbnail that I have made for my 2008-2009 Old Roblox simulator.




Looks alright, although what’s with the grey part at the center of the thumbnail?

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Hard to see anything on it because you put your name everywhere

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i like it, it looks like the old roblox, quite simple showing what roblox was like back then, with the floor that looks like lego and without much detail, with the text they looks like drawn, but there’s one thing, you put your name all over the screen.

Yes, in the final version it wont be.

Maybe. I could fix it.


The grey part is supposed to be a stack of bricks separating the studs and the image.

Looks pretty good for an old robox simulator

To make it better, I would probably just change the studs or the left side into a picture of something build in the real game though