I need feedbacks on this gfx

im the one between starter and non-starter

Ah, well I do give you plenty of credit for the lighting and poses of the character, and when I was scrolling through the replies I saw that you said you have a bad PC, so I do revoke the point of the blandness of it. Better than me at least :+1:

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As with most skills, in order to get better at Blender you need to take the time to practice and experiment. By all means, you will not start off understanding everything. I’ve been using the software for more than a year, and I still come across troubles.

There are several good quality tutorials on the forum here and on Youtube; take the time to look through them and learn from those who are more experienced.

Though you have mentioned it is difficult for you, I do highly recommend making your GFX in Blender or a similar software. Blender has a plethora of tools that will improve your GFX greatly. By spending the effort to learn how to use it, you will benefit in the end.

i didnt make this with blender if you are thinking i made this with blender
but i will try it. (thanks for recommending it.)

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The GFX itself is pretty bland. You should add a background, and something for the characters to sit on, such as a chair or desk. The lighting is too dull and flat. I recommend using HDRIs, or learning three point lighting. You’re doing great, keep working at it!


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Looks very out of place.
Adding thing such as backgrounds, particle effects and better lighting will make this look better.

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That’s not nice to say, he may not of known about that. Please be more mindful of what you say.

It shouldn’t kill your PC to download one .png file from Google Images or any other Backgrounds.

Please note, the links I shared in this post only link to Google Images and a Google Search. Thank you!

Then why not find a tutorial! :smile:

ok sorry for that.

actually it kinda kills my pc.

What do you mean by kills your PC?
Maybe you have too much storage?

my pc has a 1tb storage but other pc things doesnt handle the thing

Let’s move this to private messages.

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