You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
- What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I am making an ore simulator (as of some of you might know), though I’ve come across lots of problems. One of them that’s not fixed right now is that whenever I try to assign a value to another value, it just returns zero. I will display it under here
local x = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.BigNum)
local ServerMulti = game.ServerScriptService.ServerMulti.ServerMulti
local config = script.Parent.config
local neededValue = 7500
while wait(1) do
config.value.Value = x.mul(x.convert(neededValue),x.convert(ServerMulti.Value))
local z = x.mul(x.convert(neededValue),x.convert(ServerMulti.Value))
-- Nothing to worry about ^
print(config.value.Value) -- Returns zero
print(z) -- Returns the value