Basically, I was able to make a script that allows players when they join, to be assigned a spawn location which is only accessed by them until they end up leaving, then the next player who joins will end up taking that spawn location. I used a bool value to determine this which sets to false when a spawn location is taken. I manage to get this to work with all players who aren’t assigned to teams but however, I was unable to get it working with players on different teams. I’m making a prison game and I want a team of inmates who will all have assigned spawns within the cells placed in my prison based on who joins and as for the police and criminals, It doesn’t matter if they have assigned spawns or not.
local function onPlayerJoin(player)
for _, spwn in pairs(game.Workspace.Spawns:GetChildren()) do
if spwn.Free.Value then
player.RespawnLocation = spwn
spwn.Free.Value = false
local spawnTag ='StringValue')
spawnTag.Name = 'SpawnTag'
spawnTag.Value = spwn.Name
spawnTag.Parent = player
local function onPlayerExit(player)
local spawnTag = player.SpawnTag.Value
local spwn = game.Workspace.Spawns[spawnTag]
spwn.Free.Value = true
It is a server script.