I need help how to import texture with dept from Materialize

First for mods/staff I dunno if it’s the right forums if not move topic.

For the subject:
I have made a material using Materllize from a texture I made in Photoshop, now it has dept in it which means I have 3 files, Normal map, Diffuse and height and I don’t have a single clue how to import it properly so a designated part will get the texture as it should. If it’s not possible does it mean I need to create the part I need in Blender, make it textured there and then import?

Roblox doesnt support depth / heightmaps. You can use a surfaceappearance texture or a materialvariant texture to add them into roblox. I’d reccomend looking at the documentation for both to see which one you want.

Even when creating in the manager such MaterialVariant, because there it give me diff options