Today I need help making a players size keep when they die. What happens is they can collect berries and it will get them bigger, but then if i reset my character the size goes back to normal. Any help? Thanks!
local debounce = false
local parts = game.Workspace.MAP.Level1.Level1Berries:GetChildren()
local part = parts[i]
if part.Name == "RedBerries" or
part.Name == "BlueBerries"
if debounce == false then
debounce = true
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player then
local Humanoid = hit.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 3)
local HS = Humanoid.HeadScale
local BDS = Humanoid.BodyDepthScale
local BWS = Humanoid.BodyWidthScale
local BHS = Humanoid.BodyHeightScale
game.ReplicatedStorage.GetStrength:FireClient(player, part)
local leaderstats = player.leaderstats
local bigness = leaderstats and leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Bigness")
if bigness then
bigness.Value = bigness.Value + 1
HS.Value += 0.003
BDS.Value += 0.003
BWS.Value += 0.003
BHS.Value += 0.003
local remParent = part.Parent
part.Parent = nil
debounce = false
part.Parent = remParent
When the player dies then you can store their BodyDepthScale, BodyHeightScale etc to a dictionary and then you can retrieve it and give back the size once the player’s character resets back to normal.
You could do as @Abroxus mentioned, or better yet since all those scales are incremented the same, just make it so when you respawn, it increased the scales values by 0.003 * Bigness.Value
You could set up a PlayerAdded Event, and usign the player parameter it returns, set up a CharacterAdded event, and with the char that the event returns, get the Humanoid, and then add to the scales
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local increment = 0.003 * plr.leaderstats.Bigness.Value
hum.HeadScale += increment
--And so on for the other 3
I recommend combining this code with your leaderstats script, and changing it around to match what you have so far
@apenzijncoolenleuk1 Yours could work as well, but I think it is simpler to just do what I had suggested since @OP uses the same increment for each of the scales, 0.003 multipled by the value in Bigness, if he ever changes the values around, say 0.004 instead of 0.003, all is needed is to change the numbers. Doesn’t require any dictionary work either, just some slight match when a character respawns
Anytime! If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!
Also, as a recommendation, I recommend you put 0.003 in the touched event you have that increased your size in a variable and reference that instead, in the scenario you want to increment the scale by adifferent number, so you only have to change the varaible’s content and the thing in the CharacterADded event