I need help making a Calculation

What do I wanna achieve?

I wanna achieve a math table scale like this:

Meaning that the higher lvl I am the less I gain.

Current calculation is:

local calculation = 5/10000000000000*weight+1
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Im not sure if this is exactly what you want but its pretty adjustable

The equation is:


Make sure steepness is GREATER THAN 1, or it will just shoot off into neverland
A bigger steepness value means it will approach the minimum value more quickly, a steepness value closer to 1 will make it approach the minimum value more slowly
Max and min are pretty self explanatory

Is there a way to rotate it image

Do 1 over it?

Yeah just switch max and min

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Omg, thank you a lot for that :smiley: . I really have problems with math calculations like that.