Hello, hope you’re having a wonderful day.
I’m trying to make a game, I haven’t started yet.
First, let me start by asking Have you ever been scripting something for the first time and you completed something so simple but it brought you much excitement like I just made this do this or started building something and actually got what you were thinking of in your head into 3D form and just that feeling makes you excited.
I don’t know if it’s just me but it seems like there is a feeling of proud in our work when you know how everything works and all that you did to get to that point.
That brings me to my next point, Maybe our mental thoughts of our creations over-look what the clients seen because they’ve seen top roblox games with highest scripting and quality on roblox and I just want to get some feedback of my previous things I made before i move on to make an original game.
I’m really pouring out my thoughts so please excuse me if you don’t know what I’m talking about so far, please get into a regular roblox players mind set when review the following game features if you’d be so kind.
Game tests
Game Format Ideas
Game map Designs
note games may be newer or older
Back to the subject of what games to make first off, these aren’t real games. These games are simply just pieces of what’s meant to be in a real game so what game should I make?
I have the ability to make a Prison game, a Simulator game, a Tycoon, an Obby, a Roleplay game but that’s getting me to my point. ROBLOX Powering Imagination, As a young child thinking about this I could go on and on about how good my roblox game will be if i had a computer but thinking back I think I have lost that creativity and wonder. My mind now is focused on me being the CEO a BIG Roblox game yet I still had the desire to make something original not another Prison, Simulator, Tycoon etc. types of games.
Next, Original Games get Big Fast, This is for certain unless it’s mega trash you are guarantied tremendous success if actually make an OG game made by you and has a game concept that players enjoy. The most prominent examples would have to be Piggy and Camping. Piggy was memed a lot at first because at first glance it was Peppa Pig, funny or not you cannot deny there success being Probably #2 most of the beginning of 2020 and still is in the top 10 games.
Camping got to the front over-night out of no where, it didn’t have any High-Quality Graphic or Mega Advanced scripting, it was just a simple game that has not been seen before and that is what, I believe Roblox meant when they said Powering Imagination and That’s what I encourage other developer to do at the same time myself going to try to do
Finally, Please if anything stuck out that you thought was cool Please let me know and feel free to give some creative Ideas, honestly go back to when you were a Kid and think about what could be added or improved upon. Get creative if you will.
Thankyou for your time It really means a lot to me and have a wonder rest of your day and the rest of the year. .
Sincerely, Joesiuh
(I put this on #help-and-feedback:cool-creations but they recommended this category)