I need help making like a flashlight (just like in fnaf sb) and I have no idea how. Help please?

So you probably know the flashlight from FNaF SB right? Well I need help recreating it in a game Iā€™m making (actually not related to FNaF). any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Just put a Attatchment inside the Flashlight then inside of it insert a Spotlight ( Light ) Inside of the Attatchment then adjust the Angles & Properites of the Spotlight. If you have a basic Knowledge of Lua Scripting it should be easy setting a Off & On Button.

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Also I forgot to mention, I also want a power so like the flashlight loses power when you use it too much (Sorry for so much demands)

you can just make a battery variable and scale the brightness of the spotlight with the battery
then, just decrease the battery variable when you use the flashlight

could be better ways of doing this but this is just the obvious way