I need help. My game got a virus

Hello. Recently my game on which I worked for so long got a virus. This virus offers to buy an admin for 50, 250, 750, 1000 robux. When I used the antivirus, I found that 59 of my scripts were infected with this. Today 119 scripts have already been infected. I cannot say exactly how this virus got into my game, but because of it I cannot publish it again due to the fact that I am afraid for the safety of the players. This seems to only appear for mobile players, but I’m not sure.
How the virus works:

Open me

How can I remove this from my scripts and prevent further infection?
I really need your help
Thank you


Have you used free models? If so, then maybe this is the cause.
Some of the free models that we can use have viruses or malicious scripts.

You can try to search the names of the scripts that are shown in your anti-virus on the explorer, and delete them.

You can also search up in the explorer for the following names:

“Oh snap”
“Guest talking script”
“Weld” (Some virus scripts are named “weld”)

You can as well check the output and the developer console and see what’s happening.

I hope this information helps and that your problem gets solved!


Yes, I have used some free models such as a music system and TDCO - Obby creation kit. Most likely there was a virus in them. Since after I removed this, only 35 infected scripts remained

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Search ‘Script’ in the workspace and filter out the malicious ones.


Pretty generous of the malicious user to name their script “Virus”.
No, the above isn’t even that effective and just wastes time.

I recommend script look up. Look up for things such as:
getfenv and require (making sure that you didn’t write that require).
You may find some scripts have indented the actual require code so that you cannot see it when you open the script.


Search “Scripts” in the workspace and check the scripts that are in the models.


Just like @revolucionario2000 said some free models do have free models, if you want to prevent infection in the future I suggest you try limiting the free models you use, and go through the model to make sure it does have a virus in it. If you don’t feel like deleting all 119 virus I suggest you use this plugin Server Defender | OFFICIAL PLUGIN - Roblox.

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I used that plugin once and it deleted some of the scripts I needed, so now I just do my own models, to prevent any virus infection in my game.

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Hello!, well you can go to (explorer)


Search for “scripts” and you need go deleting all the ones you see of free model, once you delete that all, your game will be back to normal :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!.

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Now I will try all your solutions. Hope this saves my game. Also thank you a lot!

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To prevent this happening in the future, remember to thoroughly check free models. Every. Single. Object.

You do not need to do this with models marked as high quality.

Also, only use plugins that other developers or YouTubers recommend.

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From simply reading what the plugin is saying, its stating that the free model (obby kit) has a virus.


So the obby kit is probably one to blame.

Also, make sure to check your plugins, since plugins can also insert backdoors/viruses.

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I have already removed all suspicious and unnecessary plugins. Unfortunately, I found a virus in scripts that didn’t have it. If I remove these scripts, the game stops working. And again, I don’t know what to do with this (there are only 35 out of 116 scripts left)

One thing I would like to put in here is that about 80% of virus scripts use the require(number) function.

So I’d recommend clicking Ctrl + Shift + F to open the Find all / Replace All window, then type require. If the require you see isn’t done by yours then delete that script.

If it’s not done by require then well I don’t know what to do right now. I’ll find a way to check the virus scripts


this may not be helpful, but some backdoor scripts contain a decillion spaces before performing anything, also, some of them reverse the string “eriuqer” to hide what they are doing, try searching for “eriuqer” or many spaces and maybe you will find those scripts.

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You should be able to go back in the game history and restore it to a time before you added this obby kit.

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Hey there. I’ve got an idea! Since this was done by MarketplaceService so try searching for game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

Search this up, it should probably come up. I don’t have a script that has MarketplaceService in it so it isn’t showing up for me. But for you it probably should!

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You seem to be right

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Oh great. The people making the viruses have some big brain . They put it at the end so you can’t find it. Great thing the Find All / Replace All tool exists

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Yes, I’m going to do it now. I am glad that thanks to you I know what this virus looks like

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