If i make a non-local variable, and i set the value of that variable inside a if statement, am i able to get the value of that variable outside of the if statement?
local variable
if true then
variable = "hi"
print(variable) -- hi
-- dont do it like this tho
if true then
variable = "hi"
print(variable) -- hi
if true then
local variable = "hi"
print(variable) -- nil
but you can make
local var
if var then
var = "123"
var is equal to nil so it’s never set to “123”
What are you trying to prove here?
no i dont get right if var is exist its then
Yes. Do not use NON-local vars (variables)
str_1 = "1"
str_2 = nil -- empty won't work (non-local)
if str_1 then
str_1 = "1"
str_2 = "2"
if str_2 then
print(str_1, str_2)
Noooo, you just did what the first guy said not to do lol. please type local str_2 and local str_1, even though they are “local” you need to define them. Unless you have more code we cannot see.
As far as I’m aware, no. If you just put the name of the variable and nothing else, you’ll get an error.
If you use the keyword local
, then you can do this:
But, since you don’t want to use the keyword, you’d have to do something like this:
Edit: Meant to add on that this will only work if your if-statement executes.
If you don’t assign a value to a local variable it’s going to be nil.
And because of this, if you tried to do something like this, the if-statement’s condition is not truthy, so the code under it doesn’t execute.