So I wanted to port my game to rojo so that I can use VS code to script, unfortunately I have no idea what I’m doing.
I tried following along a youtube tutorial for porting existing games which uses a automatic tool called rbxlx-to-rojo. When I tried to select the rbxlx file so that it could be decoded, it threw an error “at Invalid binary type value 21 rbx binary didn’t know what to do”. The same thing happened when I tried to use the rbxl file.
Has this happened to anyone before, and if so how did you solve it? Are there any alternatives I could use to port my game to rojo?
The tool can’t process one of your scripts. In the command prompt bar, type
cmd /k C:\PATH
Replace C:\PATH with the path to rbxlx to rojo (include .exe), and run it.
This will prevent the command prompt from automatically closing when the program tries to close it, and you should be able to see what script is causing you problems.
Yup it worked, turns out it was just warning me about scripts in the workspace that I didn’t know about. Also it only gave default.project.json and the src folder which means I was missing aftman.toml and the gitignore file.
Solved it by making a new rojo project and then replacing the src folder and the json file.