I want to resize Part A in one direction only, this part is welded to part B, so if u rotate that Part B, it will rotate Part A. I’m using a DragDetector that only rotates in 2 axis. And what I mean with resizing in only 1 direction, I mean like how the resize tool in studio works.
I’ve tried everything ive searched, like :Resize(), Resizing + changing CFrame but I still can’t find a solution. If I use :Resize(), strangley enough it resizes Part A in both directions, which i know it isnt suppose to happen, so its fustrating; If i use the CFrame method, it still resizes on both directions and messes with Part B’s CFrame
Edit: I do wanna mention that i do have these in a while loop that repeats very fast and that could be an issue since im testing this on a different place
Example of what happens when I use :Resize():
Example of what happens when I use the CFrame method:
I am using a Weld instead of a WeldConstraint because i wanted to use :Resize() but it doesnt work as i want it to.
Here’s the code of what i did for both
-- :Resize()
arrow:Resize(Enum.NormalId.Top, 0.75)
-- Resize + CFrame
local tween = TweenService:Create(arrow, TweenInfo.new(0.0075), {
Size = arrow.Size + Vector3.new(0, 0.75, 0)
arrow.CFrame = arrow.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0.375, 0)
I also tried to tween the CFrame but nothing would happen so i put it outside the tween, and im resizing and/or moving on the Y axis cause of how Part A is rotated.
I really would appreciate it if someone could help me with this because ive been stuck on this for few hours while sick lol