I need help rotating grouped parts after they are moved onto the players hand

is it supposed to be Vector.new or is it Vector3.new?

Vector3.new. Sorry that was a typo on my part

hmm still no difference do you have any other method I could try to make it rotate?
some one was telling me to do something with the CFrames but they never really specified

I found out how to rotate it but it doesn’t change the angle of all the parts inside the model

The only other method (at least to my knowledge) is to try just rotate without the use of cframe like this

H.PrimaryPart.Orientation = Vector3.new(90,H.Primarypart.Orientation.Y,H.PrimaryPart.Orientation.Z) 

But it’s not as efficient but you never know, so it may be worth trying out.

It rotated it but now we have another issue

do you know why the main part isn’t rotating with the others?

Odd. Is any of your parts anchored?

Use rigid constraint instead, it is simpler as you can rotate the attachments instead and in real time.

Or you can use the attachment CFrame to position the weld

local attachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
attachment.Parent = Player.Character["Right Arm"]
attachment.CFrame --position using studio
--Or you can use orientation and Position if you prefer
attachment.Position = --something
attachment.Orientation = --something
weld.Part1 = Player.Character['Right Arm']
weld.C1 = attachment.CFrame --Edit C1 as Part 1 is the right arm same as attachment arm.

The issue with your code is the orientation doesn’t effect the weld positioning which is done via C0 and C1, also it disjoints and breaks the weld like in the image you sent.

None of the parts are anchored

I have got no idea how this works or where to put anything

No worries it’s your first time learning of this,

Perhaps you should look at this other examples based on a similar problem,

Rigid constraint method:

Weld solution method:

is ToolClone the same as my H.PrimaryPart?

Why don’t you try it and run it in order to verify it is correct?

because i dont have RightGripAttachment either :confused:

Then you probably should create one. R15 has it by default but I see you are using R6.

Use a dummy rig, create an attachment inside the arm, then Position it to where you want the weapon to be.

After that you can recreate it in script using Instance.new(“Attachment”) and use it’s orientation and position properties.

Still not rotating the main part properly and I don’t fully understand this
and I cant find a more comprehensive guide because all the ones similar are using tools instead of a group

Have you checked this solution? It doesn’t use a tool but a model:

Also R6 should have attachments my model was also outdated:

i don’t know man its getting too complex for me ill try tomorrow

I found out how to fix it by making it into an accessory and using attachments.
Here’s the code I used:

	local hammer = game.ServerStorage.Mace:Clone()

	local grip = Instance.new("Attachment")
	grip.Name = "Grip"
	grip.Parent = Player.Character["Right Arm"]
	grip.Position = Vector3.new(x, -1.076, -0.01)
	grip.Orientation = Vector3.new(-90,y,z)

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