I need help to understand CFrame

I’ve been busting my head trying to understand for several days now, but I can’t. If anyone could help me understand, thank you
I just know the synthax :
CFrame.new(Position, lookVector)

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Hi, so, CFrame is a Coordinate Frame

there’s a lot of posts about this.

CFrame has a lot of Vector3,

Position,UpVector,RightVector,LookVector, and can be rotated.

There’s a lot of functions and properties, you can check out here` :wink:

CFrame.new(Position,lookVector) is deprecated!
use CFrame.lookAt()

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Yes but still, i understand nothing
I know very well that it is a Coordinate Frame

but like, if you tell to make a part that will follow the player’s back from 5 mt, i wont be able to make it
i know the synthax but now how to apply it

well, you can do this!

local Part = workspace.Part
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

	local Y = 	Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector -- LookVector Is where it's facing!
	local X = CFrame.new(Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + (Y * -10)) -- Creates the position, and puts the position BACK according to the LookVector, Multiplying negative to put it in the back!
Part.CFrame = X
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Hmmm, yes i see im gonna train it thank

You can also use arithmetic operators on CFrames.

Adding a Vector3 to a CFrame will translate the CFrame’s position in world space.
Multiplying a CFrame by another CFrame will translate transform it in object space, and this can be done for rotation as well.

Building on @varjoy’s example:

local Part = workspace.Part
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

   -- 5 studs behind the HRP
   Part.CFrame = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, 5)
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You should use the developer.roblox.com website to check the basics of CFrame. You can even use YouTube to search for tutorials.

The * is used for multiply but why use it in this case?

Part.CFrame = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *  CFrame.new(0, 0, 5)

You guys should continue this in DMs if you wanna learn/teach more.

I hope that can be helpful for you.

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CFrames have a position component and an orientation component represented by a 3x3 matrix. Using the * operator on CFrames performs a matrix composition. (That’s because the CFrame data type has a metatable where the __mul method is implemented, but that’s not important here.)

That code will create a new CFrame that has the same orientation as HumanoidRootPart, but offset by 5 studs in the positive Z direction, which in Roblox’s coordinates is backwards relative to the part.


CFrame means basically changing every properties that uses Vector3

Not quite. It is just a single data type that contains data on both a position and an orientation, sort of analogous to the ‘Transform’ object in Unity.
Every BasePart has a CFrame property, but the CFrame object is not specific to just BaseParts.

You can read about it in the links that @Dev_Vegas posted.

Position, orientation ? am i right?

Vector3 is for position, while orientation is rotation.

I know.
CFrame can change these things (position, orientation) whereas vector3 change only position

Vector3 can also apply for orientation. For instance:

part.Orientation = Vector3.new(math.rad(60),0,0)

Correct me if I’m wrong about the radians.

Oh i didnt know that i tought only cframe was able to change orientation

CFrame has more complex stuffs and more powerful compare to Vector3.

The reason you multiply it is because you can’t add 2 CFrames together.