I have been playing some RPG’s lateley and I love the way they make their intro. But there is one that caught my attention and I am asking myself how did they script this?
Here is a video of what I want to understand
I am thinking it’s a camera that faces a part in the game and adjusts the blur. While the TextButton I have no idea how they added the particle effect.
Can anybody tell me how this works?
The first thing; the tittle glitching, it may be done with multiple decals and looping them.
Second; when you put your mouse in the buttons, it does that animation because; they used the MouseHover event.
Third; those little bubbles you see when the MouseHover event is triggered may be done with some “particleeffects” that they might scripted or designed.
You can achieve this effect with either a spritesheet or setting the image to a random item within an array of decals. The creator is on the forums, so you can also ask them if they’re willing to share how they achieved this effect. cc @oniich_n
For the logo, it’s about 100+ ImageLabels looping so not the most optimal solution.
The buttons are MouseEnter and MouseLeave events with TweenService and this module.