I want to achieve this type of knockback system. When the player knocked back collides with any surface, they bounce back
Example below
Watch Wall Bounce Fling | Streamable (video expires in 2 days)
I think the overall way to go about making this is something like this.
First, you would need to apply knockback, which you could either custom code using CFrame and what not, or make it using LinearVelocity, or just BasePart:ApplyImpulse.
After you’ve figured out what you want to use to move it, and figured out when to move it, you could use raycasts, or my favorite, workspace:GetPartsBoundInBox() to detect when a player collides with something. Please dont use a .Touched function, I beg.
Any who with whatever way of handling collisions you’ve chosen, after colliding you can bounce them back from the direction they came from. How to do that depends on what you used to move them in the first place.