I need help with a script then make arms follow camera

how i can make arms of my character follow the camera when a tool has equipped?

How will the arms move relative to the camera?

only up and down because it will be in first person so the sides will already follow the camera

so if you want to see your arms moving in fps


maybe this could help idk

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To go about this, i would create a separate pair of FPS arms ( i understand you probably wont use them for shooting but they work) and make them into a rig with a HumanoidRootPart. Then clone the FPS arms on client so only the player can see them and set the HumanoidRootPart CFrame to the camera CFrame

Every frame, you can get the world position of the mouse, then compare it to the position of the arms joint to get a lookvector between the arm’s joint and where the player is looking. Then get the angle between -Vector3.yAxis and this lookvector, then update the arm’s Motor6D’s transform property accordingly.

I don’t manually script animations much nor do I know the default C0’s of character Motor6D’s so this is about as much as I can think of or help with.

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i already see my arms, i need when follow camera

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it’s a good idea, but I think it would look weird from the perspective of other players

Other players do not see it because its cloned on the client