I need help with billboardgui custom decal id not working

so i’m working on custom flags in one of my game, in which you have to enter a custom decal id from the roblox creator marketplace decals section, but the problem is, the image id is always “Decal ID Here” which is the main text of the textbox before a player modifies it instead of a modified version with new text when the remoteevent is fired
any help is appreciated

localscript for firing remoteevent


remotehandler code block for modifying billboardgui image id to the textbox text

	local char = player.Character
	local billboardgui = char.Head.BillboardGui
	billboardgui.ImageLabel.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..player.PlayerGui.Settings.CustomFlag.TextBox.Text
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it doesn’t throw any error at all, and the problem is that the image value is “http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=Decal ID Here” every time a person submits their decal

Did you try using pcall yet to test for errors?

i did use pcall, but it worked perfectly

Did you try "rbxthumb://type=Asset&id="?

Pass the text through the event and grab it from the server.

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i did but it’s still the exact same problem without any errors in the output

Try @Awo_kein’s method and see if anything happens.

thanks for the help, it worked and you saved me on making my game

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