I need help with creating feet movement

I am trying to make the feet parts of the player change their position after a certain distance. I want the feet to teleport in front of the player, but I also am trying to make it look like it’s walking.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots/videos if possible!

The problem I’m facing is that I cannot figure out how to do it while also making it look like walking

I know this code is terrible but this is the closest I could get to it moving correctly in both the x and z axis. Here is the section of the code that I need help with.

	local distance = (vis.Torso.Position - vis.RightFoot.Position)
	local howMuch = 3
	local footOffset = 2
	if distance.X > howMuch  then
		vis.RightFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X + footOffset, 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z + 1)
	elseif distance.X > howMuch-2 then
		vis.LeftFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X , 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z - 1)
	elseif distance.X < -howMuch then
		vis.RightFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X - footOffset , 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z -1 )
	elseif distance.X < -howMuch + 2 then
		vis.LeftFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X, 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z + 1)
	elseif distance.Z > howMuch then
		vis.RightFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X + footOffset, 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z)
	elseif distance.Z > howMuch - 2 then
		--is.LeftFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X, 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z - 1)

	elseif distance.Z < -howMuch then
		vis.RightFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X - footOffset, 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z)
	elseif distance.Z < -howMuch + 1 then
		--vis.LeftFoot.Position = Vector3.new( vis.Torso.Position.X, 0 , vis.Torso.Position.Z + 1)


Thats difficult to make… have you considered using an animation? you can choose the constant EasingStyle on all keyframes to make it look snappy.

not everything is easy. i just need some help