I need help with Damage Directional GUI

(This is my second post, my first post got taken down because of wrong category)
So I am making an FPS game with a team of 5 people, and there is only one thing that we are missing, Damage Direction GUI’s I have searched and searched for these on Roblox and was never able to find them, please help! all I need to know is how to get the player that shoots and hits another player. Thank you!!!

Example - image

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I think the best option would to see how many studs the player is from the other player and point the Gui where it’s coming from.

You may find useful this page for finding some nice functions for the script.
You may want to check specifically Worldtoscreenpoint and Worldtoviewportpoint

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You can also watch this to help: Find Distances Between Positions! - Roblox (Vector3 and Magnitude) - YouTube