I need help with Egomoose's placement system

So here is the place
Placement test - Roblox

Problem: When you place a table, the tables parent isn’t the in the right place. So i have owner system there. Tables parent should be that owners canvasobjects but it ins’t. Can someone help me on this one?

Code Review isn’t for getting help on broken code. Please read category guidelines before posting threads. Information also appears in the text box before you start typing the thread, so you should’ve seen the purpose of the Code Review category as well which is for requesting tips improving specific parts of code that work but you feel are underperforming or have a better way to be done.

You should also be a lot more specific in explaining your problem if you’re looking for help, up to including code and images of what you’re working with. It’s fairly difficult to help you off of just a place link and text, as we don’t know your implementation.

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Okay so my problem is here. I don’t know what this means.

    function remotes.InitPlacement.OnServerInvoke(player, canvasPart)
    	placementObjects[player] = placementClass.new(canvasPart)
    	return placementObjects[player].CanvasObjects

    >     remotes.InvokePlacement.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, func, ...)
    >     	if (placementObjects[player]) then
    >     		placementClass[func](placementObjects[player], ...)
    >     	end
    >     end)


There is 2 canvasobjects in different plots.
It takes the plot’s canvasobjects with ObjectValue, that is nil. So yeah.
It doesn’t take the plot’s canvasObjects with objectvalue’s value to the plaver. If anyone can understand.