I Need Help With GFX Exports

So I have tried and tried to export Roblox characters into render but I have one big problem… When it exports, the file where the textures are gets like all messed up for some reason. Here is what it looks like.


How would I fix this so I can just apply it to the character in shading and it go right on because I seen others do the same thing just theirs isn’t all weird and arranged in weird ways it actually just goes on.

Import the hats and the body separately

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This happens to me quite a lot, usually I have everything in separate files so they won’t mix up.
Even when I do this, it sometimes still messes up so I remove the exported hats + characters and export it again.

if you’re trying to use the community rigs then you need to export your avatar as R6 NOT R15. that’s why you get broken textures.

It’s either that or it’s because of the Korblox package your avatar is wearing.