Hey, so with some time I was able to whip together a UI screen for my bowling game, here’s a picture of what I have so far:
Just a side note, that bowling pin is actually the mouse cursor…probably could’ve gotten a better shot.
But anyways, this screen is for configuring your bowling balls. I feel like I need to do a better job of indicating what are buttons you can click. For example, the “Finger Grip Type” label is actually a button; where after clicking on it you can change your grips. But from perspective, it might appear as just a text label for information.
Another side note, but everything drawn on this screen is a draft, just to show how it’ll function. Like, the “Ball is fully restored” text would look different if you need to restore your ball. Same deal with the “Ball Condition” text. I had plans of shading it’s text color from green to red depending on actual ball condition.
Any ideas?? Thanks