I need Help with Making Certain Sinking Ship Scripts

Hello Everyone, It’s me “Kingcobrala1”. I’ve been Developing games since 2021, and I am pretty new.
however, I really need help with this certain type of script.

Basically, I’ve have tried to make many sinking ship games over time, but I’ve had never finished them, because I don’t really know much with Cframe, and I have some issues I really need to solve.

furthermore, I am currently working on a sinking ship game, and I am trying to find different ways to make ships sink on ROBLOX. like all ready know one type of script that makes ships and models go down, which is this:

wait(10) --// Change the number to the right amount of seconds before the ship sinks.

X = script.Parent

for i = 0, 600 do --// If the ship doesn't sink fully add 50 and test again.
	X:TranslateBy(Vector3.new(0, -0.075, 0)) --// Change it to a lower number if you want it less jerky but change the number above to a higher value.
	wait(0.99) --// Change this to make the ship go down slower.

But unfortunately, That script only makes the ship go down straight instead of tilting or anything else.

So basically, What I really need is some advice or something on how to make these 4 or 5 certain types of sinking ship motions. first off, I really need some advice or a script code that makes the ship tilt like the titanic, for example:

That’s the one I mainly need help on, But I do have other script codes that I also really need help on.
like a script that makes the ship slowly or quickly Capsize, and sink.

And I really need some advice on how to make a code, that will wait for like 10 or more seconds before it starts the sinking Motion.
I think the way to do that is to put



I’ve tried to use the wait script on certain types of scripts, like some Cframe scripts, but it for some reason never really follows with the action I set it to be, like the wait script does not even work. I don’t know if there’s another way around that, but Yea, I just really need some big advice on how to make a wait script work on Cframe.

Anyways, I’ve also tried this script to make the ship rotate to make it look like it’s sinking:

(Couldn't find the script because I deleted it.)

but I can’t find a way to make it spin slowly, otherwise, it will probably not really work out, so I decided not to use the script. further more, I’m basically stuck and don’t know what to do.

if You have any advice or ideas, or anything, about the certain scripts I’m trying to look for, please Leave a reply or comment, I would Appreciate any feedback You Have to offer.

In Other words, Here are some other scripts I might need some help with making

Anyways, I Hope Your Able to have some Advice and some other things to help me out of this situation, and I Guess I’ll See you later.

Kingcobrala1- :+1:

December 22, 2022. 6:28 AM

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Have you tried using TweenService? That lets you spread one change between a start and end CFrame over as long a time as you want. If you combine a bunch of these back to back, you can program many different animations and pick one based on how the ship was damaged or just randomly.

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Okay, Thanks For Your Advice, I’ll go try to use tween service for the animations.


Here is an idea: let the physics engine do it.

I have a game in the solsort and Italia group, where ice cubes float in water. (Santa’s penguins - the stage with bombs)

If you make the ship light, it should float. Each material has weight, and you can also override with custom physical properties for a part. I seem to remember you can also increase the density of water to make things float easier, not sure though.

Then when you want the ship to sink, increase the density of the part you want to use for pulling the ship down. That makes it heavier. You can do it with a script. I guess you could also use a transparent no collide part that you make bigger, or change from wood to metal material.

I should say I have only made a cube float, I am not sure about more complex models.

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