I need help with my creations

Hello this question can be kinda silly but i really dont know what to make next as an begginer-intermidate
scripter i need to improve but i dont got any ideas i already make an obby or other scripts like basic data saving or ui tweening

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This should go into game design and not script support, but if you need any ideas you can try searching in the dev discussion category. Some posts like what are you working on can help you. There really isn’t anything someone can say here. Try reading around, also look in Discord servers, they might also help you. Some popular ones like Hidden Devs got a lot of content. If you have enough braincells to waste you can even go on twitter.

Take this challenge:

  • Take a piece of paper
  • Set your countdown on your phone for 5 minutes
  • Go into ANY game you find, e.g. on the homepage
  • The first thing where you say “that is a cool feature!”, write it down, leave the game immediately and try to implement it on your own!

Whatever it is, even if it’s just an automated door.

Then let me know because I actually never did that and want to know if this is a good challenge :joy:


Wow i tried it and it really help like i learnt how to do coins giving system with text label on screen thx for help

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Best way to learn is to find something you wanna make and then dedicating your time to figure out how to make it

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Awesome to hear! Now I also will have to try it coming days :joy: