I’m trying to figure out how I should use ui and make it easily manageable while also being good to look at.
I have some ideas like changing dialogue boxes into speech bubbles, adding a calendar and grades to the academics tab, stuff like that
I’d also like your opinion on the positioning of the ui elements. Should i make a full hotbar, or keep it to only the backpack and wand being displayed?
you should probably change the font to something else that looks better and add some uicorners and also you should have the different uis be different colours so its easier to tell which one you’re on and it doesnt make sense to have a close button that is just text saying “close” on the spells while the other uis have an image button for that.
Remember that this is my subjective opinion and you don’t need to follow anything I say.
Here are my suggestions:
Keep the padding constant. Stuff like this here might be a little annoying to see. Make sure that there is an equal amount of distance between the top of the frame and the edge, and the same on the left.
Also, try to upscale the elements in a list or grid layout to align with the edge of the container (scrollingframe etc.)
Use different colors for different menus. The academics and backpack menu have an extremely similar appearance which might make it harder to differentiate.
I really like what you’re doing with the drawing style of the noob, so try making the corners of the white/black themed elements contain some pencil effect.
the plain black borders could be replaced with a pencil effect
Work out some better spacing.
Make sure these buttons are spaced the same, and the fact that they stretch off the main prompt might be fine if you use that pencil effect idea. I don’t know, but I recommend trying it out.
Yeah the spell shop ui is the most under developed. I figured I would just add the same changes i made to the backpack ui to the spell shop when I figured everything out.
Also - I might as well mention that for the hotbar I’ve decided to go ahead and make a full bar where you can hold items to make my life easier when I add stuff like quest items and cooking ingredients. I’ll show that when I get it in a good enough state.
I’m probably gonna try and use a different font that LOOKS better, but I think it’s easy to read now. Any aesthetic recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
i might end up using a handdrawn square as the visual for player responses to make it much more simple to look at. still, i’d like to hear what you guys have to say about it.
Cool! Try making use of 9-slices for the drawing effect. It sohuld make things more consistant. You can search it up on the docs. It might look a little strange, but it’s not complicated.