hey everyone so im making a team based fighting game but im having problems with the character selection for a long time here is the script so far i dont know why its not working
Uhh I don’t think this script will do anything. And shouldn’t you add GUI?
Try formatting your code like this
Code in here
Without the “-”
Yeah, also on line 35, he’s multiplying a CFrame by a vector
hey thanks for pointing that out but that part of the script worked the table.find part with the remote event doesnt work
Noticed some of the lines in your code (around 41st line) its all just “**–**aaaa” and stuff. Why is that?
thats my old code that did make the character spawn but it would let anyone chose it and i coudnt make it work. left it there because idk if i will need it
But as I said previously, I suggest rewriting it entirely. This code doesn’t look like it’d do much. Unless you have extra code that you aren’t showing us with a similiar task.
I’ve never known you could do this, dang, my fault
i will dig up and show you all the code in a min
Alright, also you can try to change the avatar’s accesories and etc individually and not set a startercharacter. That MIGHT be the issue.
idk i tried that and it somehow worked but hey rule 1 if it aint broke dont fix it
but if you say so i will rewrite it
You never fired the remote, use
The player is also already passed as the first parameter, so you don’t need to include it here.
Edit: Replied to wrong person, sorry
the issue is with the remote event stuff the part of the script that gives you the character and its animations works
the script broke when i followed a user that told me how to make it so one person can only chose it
after that it just stoped responding with no error codes no “check if this part works prints” no nothing
Might be a outdated tutorial.
I barely know about remote events. Sorry!
so i add AlanPicked:FireServer(“AlanC”)
local optiontable = {“Mel”,“AlanC”,“Lisa”,“Rick”,“Sam”,“Kate”}
AlanPicked.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, AlanC)
if table.find(optiontable, AlanC) then
print(“found alan”)
table.remove(optiontable, table.find(optiontable,AlanC))
Shouldn’t there be spaces between the ","s?
no problem i still thank you for the help also i didnt use a tutorial for it it was a user under my old post that wrote about it thats all ik
i did that now i just have to wait for the other person to write back gonna update you if it worked