i need help with this it keep going wrong direction everytime i looked at the wall or ground
It might be easier for people to help if you provided a code snippet or something lol
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local bulleinfo = {}
local maxbullet = 5
local spreed = 5
script.Parent.Fire.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, dir, origin)
for i = 1, maxbullet do
local bullet = game.ReplicatedStorage.Bullet:Clone()
bullet.Parent = workspace.Terrain
local x = math.random(-spreed * 100, spreed*100)/100
local y = math.random(-spreed * 100, spreed*100)/100
bulleinfo[bullet] = {
origin = origin ;
direction = (CFrame.new(origin, dir) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(x),math.rad(y),0)).LookVector;
speed = 300;
lifetime = tick() + 2;
firedby = player.Character;
for bullet, data in pairs(bulleinfo) do
local params = RaycastParams.new()
params.RespectCanCollide = true
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {data.firedby}
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
local ray = workspace:Raycast(data.origin, data.direction * data.speed * dt, params)
if ray and ray.Instance.Name ~= "Bullet" then
local hum = ray.Instance.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
if hum then
local part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Impact:Clone()
part.Parent = workspace
part.CFrame = CFrame.new(ray.Position, ray.Position + ray.Normal) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(math.random(0,360)))
part.Color = Color3.new()
local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint", part)
weld.Part0 = ray.Instance
weld.Part1 = part
game.Debris:AddItem(part, 5)
bulleinfo[bullet] = nil
data.origin += data.direction * data.speed * dt
bullet.CFrame = CFrame.new(data.origin, data.origin + data.direction)
if tick() > data.lifetime then
bulleinfo[bullet] = nil
That’s because you’re calculating the direction and starting point on the server. Calculate them both on the client then send them to the server.
so um u meant i have to Calculate them on clients first and then send to server ?
Yes, this includes the direction and start only. Not the bullets themselves of course.
still the same so u meant smt else ?
Ohh… I get it now what you mean… I thought you meant something else LOL!
Anyways, yeah for that issue you need to cast the rays a bit back from the actual point of the gun but render the bullet from the muzzle. There isn’t any other fix for it.
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