so i was trying again to update my game to fix some bugs, but i found out that the url id which is setted for the decal by the player isn’t working and just shows blank, there’s no problem with image transparency nor the billboardgui transparency, it’s just that the code is kind of wrong (not the variables or anything), but the link in my opinion is written in a wrong format, as when people go to the creator marketplace and to decals and grab any image id they want and paste it to a submit decal gui, it doesn’t show it, but if they get the decal id from studio (toolbox), it does somehow work, and i need help fixing the code so that it works for both
game.ReplicatedStorage.ChangeCustomFlag.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, text)
local char = player.Character
local billboardgui = char.Head.BillboardGui
billboardgui.ImageLabel.Image = ""..text